Subject: KFTC ALERT: Citizen Power in the 2008 General Assembly
Date:Wed, 09 Jan 2008 20:45:42 -0600
From: "KFTC"
KFTC ALERT: 2008 General Assembly Underway!
The Kentucky General Assembly began its 2008 regular session on Tuesday
with many important issues on the table and many ways for citizens to
help influence positive outcomes.
KFTC will have a citizens lobbying presence in Frankfort on most
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from now through March. We invite all KFTC
members, allies and friends to lobby with us on any days that you are
able to do so. With so much at stake, it's very important that there
be a strong citizen lobbying presence in the General Assembly, plus it's
informative and fun since we do it in groups. Call any KFTC office or
reply to this email and we'll help get you involved in a great lobbying
We also ask you to make a particular effort to be with us on our
special lobby days:
Thursday, February 14 -- I LOVE MOUNTAINS RALLY and LOBBY DAY
Come lobby all day or come for the rally at 11:30 a.m. in the Capitol
rotunda to oppose mountaintop removal and support legislation to stop
the dumping of mining wastes into our headwater streams (House Bill 164)!
Register at (click on the registration link) or
call your nearest KFTC office to let us know you're coming.
Wednesday, January 30 -- TAX JUSTICE LOBBY DAY
Come lobby all day to support tax reform legislation that will ask less
of low-income families (through an Earned Income Tax Credit) and raise
$400 million in new revenues by expanding the sales tax to certain
services, restoring the estate tax, and making the income tax system more
progressive (no bill number yet)!
Come lobby all day to support legislation that will allow voters to
decide, through a constitutional amendment, whether to automatically
restore voting rights to former felons upon completion of their sentences
(House Bill 70).
You'll be able to track the status of these and other bills that KFTC
is working on at: And
check the General Assembly blog for frequent reports from members lobbying
in Frankfort.
We'll be sending regular action alerts while the General Assembly is in
session, usually asking you to call or fax your legislators with
specific messages. Thanks in advance for taking action. It's really a great
boost to hear a legislator say, "I've heard from a lot of people about
this." It makes them more attentive and receptive when we have a
face-to-face meeting with them.
The Legislative Research Commission operates several toll-free numbers
to help citizens stay in touch with their legislators and keep track of
legislative activities. These are a Legislator Message Line to leave
messages for legislators (also available in TTY and Spanish), a Bill
Status Line to check the status of any bill (through the previous day)
and a Calendar Line to receive a taped calendar of committee meetings for
that day.
MESSAGE LINE 1-800-372-7181
TTY MESSAGE LINE 1-800-896-0305
EN ESPANOL 1-866-840-6574
BILL STATUS LINE 1-877-257-5541
CALENDAR LINE 1-800-633-9650
The Message Line is open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday thru Thursdays,
and 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Fridays during the legislative session.
The Legislative Message Line is only a message line (for the governor
and lieutenant governor, as well as all 138 legislators). You cannot be
transferred to talk to a legislator directly. To do that call
502-564-8100 and ask for the specific legislator you want to talk to.
Your financial support is needed and appreciated to pay for KFTC's
presence and activity in the 2008 General Assembly. If you forgot to renew
your support in 2007, now would be a great time to do it. Use this
link to make an online donation. Thanks!
NOTE: Normally, when the action involved is contacting state officials,
we send the email alert only to Kentucky residents. However, this
message is going to all KFTC members across the country to give anyone
living outside of Kentucky the opportunity to let us know you want to
receive these General Assembly alerts. If so, please reply to this message
with the word "SUBSCRIBE" in the subject field. Kentucky residents will
automatically receive these alerts.
Many Thanks!